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For the next 5 days ONLY: discover the “quiet superpower” I used to stand out in rooms full of aggressively confident “alphas”... as an INTROVERTED consultant… by learning:

The “Quiet Confidence” Framework

A simple system for asking the right question, at the right time... with confidence.

So you can position yourself as a clear communicator at work - in the easiest, fastest and most beginner friendly manner - as quickly as next week.

(Join me for this special, one-time-only workshop at 4PM PST on 16 May 2024. Details below 👇)

Dear Framework Thinker,

When it comes to clear communication, we naturally think of:

  • Clarifying our ideas…

  • Articulating them clearly…

  • Thinking quickly on the fly…

  • Speaking up with our heart pounding out of our chest 😅...

But the easiest, fastest and most beginner-friendly way to stand out at work?

Asking good questions!


Asking good, timely questions is literally a “communication superpower”.


Which allows you to position yourself as a confident communicator…


Without getting on the speak-up-at-work roller coaster of:


“OMG this is terrifying I’m gonna dieee!”


Which is why when one of the students from my live calls asked:


“How can I ask better questions?”

I had an “aha!” moment 💡

Because I’ve been practicing the skill of asking better questions for over 10 years…


But I’ve NEVER formally shared my system before.


Which is why I designed the Quiet Confidence Workshop.

During this one-time-only workshop, I’ll share how you can start communicating confidently at work by asking the “right” questions, at the right time…

Even if you:

  • Never know exactly what to ask (or how to find the “right” questions)…

  • Feel stuck in the loop of whether you should or should not ask your question…

  • Have questions which you never ask because they might be “obvious”, “silly” or “stupid”...

  • Feel like you can’t think quickly enough to listen, process AND ask a good question all at the same time or…

  • Struggle to go beyond surface level questions that get brushed aside with a curt “yes” or “no”…

The framework you’ll learn inside the Quiet Confidence Workshop?


It’s a blend of the system I used as a consultant to interview Fortune 500 executives and industry experts…


With a framework for asking the right question, at the right time from the MIT Sloan School of Management.


So you know you’re in good hands 😇


And I’ve used the power of asking good questions to not only interview executives and industry experts…


But also surprise them with insights on THEIR projects…

Some of which they’d been working on for over a decade 😅


I’ve also asked questions to thrive in the loud, aggressively communicative, “alpha-eat-alpha” world of consulting for 9 long years…


As an introvert!


Honestly, I built a reputation on the basis of simply asking good questions.

And I’ve seen countless colleagues do it as well.


Asking good, timely questions has literally been my “communication superpower” for years.


Today, it can be yours too…

“But I’ve NEVER been able to ask a good question before - I never know what to ask or how to be sure my question isn’t silly or downright stupid…”

Well, no one ever talks about this...


So most people never realize it…

But asking good questions is a skill.


And like any skill, it needs a system to be used effectively.


In this instance, a system for consistently coming up with good questions.


Because if you don't have a system?

(Or worse, you assume you don’t even need one… because you either “have it or your don’t”... like those loud, “alpha” types who hog all the attention in meetings)


Then yes…


Asking good questions is hair-splittingly hard.


You have to listen, think, process AND come up with a question on the fly… seemingly out of thin air!


Which is almost impossible to do.


Because that volume of information will always short-circuit your brain, grinding it to a halt.


The key?

A system with the right constraints.


Which is what I’ll share inside the Quiet Confidence Workshop.

Honestly, I’ve been using the power of asking questions for so long, I didn’t even realize I could share it…


Until one of the students on a live call asked:


“Using the frameworks to speak up has been coming out really well, BUT…”


I inched closer to my Zoom screen.

“My job involves asking a LOT of questions… but I hesitate and get stuck in this loop of should I be asking THIS question or THAT question… because what if it’s an obvious question that’s already been answered?”


I could see most people on the call nodding along…

“… so is there a framework for asking better questions?”, he asked.


My answer?




It’s actually a framework I’ve been refining over the past decade…


Because nothing I found online worked for me in a simple and consistent manner.


So I told everyone on the call I’d host THIS workshop, once I’d formalized my framework for asking good questions.


And here we are!

Hey, I'm Vicky 👋

I’m an:

  • Ex-Googler…

  • Ex-management consultant…

  • Full-time YouTuber with 195k subscribers and…

  • The creator of the “5 Minute Communication Framework” and the “Confident Communicator Cohort”...

I’ve honed my communication skills - as an introvert - to stand out in rooms with some of the smartest people on the planet!


I’ve also practiced and taught the communication principles I share on my YouTube channel and paid products for over 10 years now…


With over 370 happy customers who finally felt something “click” when they discovered my methods…


Especially after they had read countless books, binged endless Youtube tutorials and listened to countless podcasts..



Because of my geeky “80/20” approach to teaching communication using “frameworks”… as well as eliminating ALL the bloat from my courses.

I painstakingly distill every lesson to be under “5 minutes”...


Then I make it super actionable and back it up with examples so you SEE how everything works in the “real world”.


That way, you don’t waste hours of your life studying pointless theory.


Instead, you learn and test your shiny new frameworks in the real world almost immediately.


And with that long-ish preamble out of the way, let me share what’s going to be inside…

The “Quiet Confidence” Workshop


Where I’ll show you how to ask the right questions, at the right time… with confidence.

So you can stand out in any room…

Without “dominating” the conversation, steamrolling over other people’s ideas… even if you’re an introvert.


I’ll show you how to use the Quiet Confidence Framework to:

  • Always have a set of questions to ask in the back of your mind (for that meeting, client presentation or a quick update in your boss’s cabin 🤷🏻‍♀️)... so you’re never left saying “uh… no questions from me… I guess”…

  • Articulate the question clearly and confidently, so the other person understands it…

  • Instantly identify the “right type” of questions to ask - using a trick from the Stanford Design School - so you’re sure your questions are NOT “obvious” or “stupid”...

  • Open up and steer the conversation by asking thought-provoking, open-ended questions that practically force the listener to think and respond (rather than brushing it aside with a “yes” or “no”)...

  • Instantly transform your questions from vague and unclear to super-specific… which’ll make the listener lower their guard and be more open to give you an answer…



Here’s exactly what you’ll get when you buy your entry pass to the Quiet Confidence Workshop:


  • A live, 90-minute workshop hosted on Zoom, where I’ll introduce you to the Quiet Confidence Framework…

  • Breakout rooms where I’ll show you how to play the now popular “Framework Games” (all my past students LOVE them!)...

  • Live feedback from me on how to apply the Quiet Confidence Framework for maximum impact in the shortest possible time…

  • The replay of the workshop, so you can revisit and refer back to it whenever you want…

  • Free for all Q&A at the end, where you can ask all your questions… on asking better questions 😎

You’ll also get this “bag of bonuses” to help you make the most of your investment right from the start 👇

1/ The Question “Stems” Database
Value: $97

You’ll get access to a database of question “stems”...


Which are half-questions that are endlessly adaptable to YOUR unique situation.


So you can use them to structure the right question for the occasion, even if if you feel “stuck”.


No, these are NOT templates.


Question “stems” provide the same confidence and certainty as templates, while also being more versatile and universal in their application.

2/ The “Framework Games” - Solo Version
Value: $60

In addition to playing the “Framework Games” with your peers during the workshop, you’ll get details on how to play them solo:


This includes clear instructions to play the games on your own, along with access to the “framework flashcards” (which I’ll use in the live workshop).


You’ll learn what the students from my $1,500 “Confident Communicator Cohort” learned… and LOVED!


And see how simple it is to practice frameworks, even if you’re doing it alone.

3/ “Re-investment” Credit
Value: $97

You’ll get 100% credit for your pass to the Quiet Confidence Workshop.


That’s a flat $97 off the price of any future offer I might come up with in 2024. ON TOP of any other promotion I’ll have going on at the time!


Between you and me?


I’ve got a whole bunch of things coming up that you might be interested in 🤫

Next up, the investment:


I’ve already said that a pass to attend this workshop - and get everything listed above - is only $97.


Which is daylight robbery if you compare it to my hourly rate for a private consultation (~$1,000 / hour) 🫣


So 90 minutes of my time ($1,500) plus ALL the bonuses ($254)...


Totals to $1,754.

And you can grab your pass - and everything listed above - for only $97. 


The only thing to note?

This is a LIMITED, ONE-TIME ONLY workshop.

Passes are ONLY available till 8:00 AM PST, 16 May 2024.




Because I’m more than happy to share my newest frameworks with you, the framework thinkers on my email list…


But I’m still sharing these for the FIRST TIME ever!


So you’re amongst the first people to hear about them, from over 195k+ people in my audience.


And I want to keep the newest frameworks for those who are ready to pounce and get started on their journey to becoming a confident communicator.


After which, I’ll likely NEVER share them again (cause there are so many other ideas to share)...


Or include them as part of my paid courses (that retail for 5 - 15x the price).

And if you’ve been here for longer than this promotion?


Then you know I don’t believe in “fake scarcity” to get a few extra sales.

That’s a silly way to build a business.


What I want is for you to win. 

And I can’t do that if you don’t show up with intent, ready to get started!

Which is why when I say the Quiet Confidence Workshop will NEVER be repeated in THIS format - as a one-time investment of only $97 - ever again in the future?


You should take that literally 🙃


Ok that’s all I had to share today!


Now it’s time for you to decide:


Will you wait and wonder what was inside the Quiet Confidence Workshop…


While you sit in yet another meeting, wrestling with yourself on whether you should ask that question or not…


Or will you unlock the “quiet confidence” that comes from having a framework to ask the right question at the right time…


And start standing out at work as quickly as next week?

Click The Button Below To Buy Your Pass for the Quiet Confidence Workshop:

Only $97 (one-time)

Workshop will be held at 4PM PST, 16 May 2024.

  • Will I really learn the art of asking great questions in a single, 90 minute workshop?
    Absolutely! I’ll cover everything you need to know to get started inside the Quiet Confidence Workshop. We’ll also play the “Framework Games” to simulate real-world situations… where I’ll coach you on how to navigate them with the grace of a pro. I’ll also show you how to continue using the framework after the workshop, which is where the real results start to appear.
  • Does the Quiet Confidence Framework work even if I’ve tried to ask questions before but never feel sure about what I’m asking - or don’t even know what to ask?
    Yes! The Quiet Confidence Framework is meant to act as the system you use to generate the question to ask in the first place… which is the real problem people face, because they try to “wing it” when they ask questions. Sure, it’ll take a few tries to get the hang of it, but once you do? You’ll feel much more confident in your ability to ask the right question at the right time. And if you ever get stuck, you’ll have ready access to your Question “Stems” database that comes free with your pass to the Quiet Confidence Workshop!
  • Does the Quiet Confidence Framework really work even if I can’t seem to think fast enough (while listening to what’s being said)?
    Absolutely! As you can see, the problem isn’t your ability to “think faster”... it’s that you don’t have a system in place to generate those questions. So the solution is to learn a new system - which is exactly what I’ll share inside the Quiet Confidence Workshop. With time, you won’t have to “think fast enough”... since it’ll just be how you think naturally.
  • I’m crazy busy! How much time do I need to execute on the frameworks inside the Quiet Confidence Workshop?
    Tell me about it - why can’t there be more hours in the day, right?! As with everything I build, the Quiet Confidence Workshop is based on my “5 Minute Framework” model - where you can learn the basics in under 5 minutes… and then we get to “playing” with it in actual conversation. There’s 0% theory and 100% actionable insights inside. And you can spend as much time as you want on it afterwards … but you can start using it in the very next conversation you have.
  • I’m not a management consultant or YouTuber. Is this still worth the investment?
    Absolutely! The Quiet Confidence Framework isn’t a consulting or a content creation framework. It’s about learning how to ask the right question, at the right time, with confidence. That’s a skill with universal application - so as long as you’re communicating with other “humans”, this will help 🤖
  • I’ve watched your free YouTube videos. What’s the difference between those and what’s inside the Quiet Confidence Workshop?
    Thank you for your support! As I’ve said above, what I’m sharing inside the Quiet Confidence Workshop is BRAND NEW information that I’ve NEVER shared online before - on my YouTube channel or any of my previous courses. I’m a giga-nerd when it comes to learning and adapting frameworks to think faster and speak clearer… so every workshop or course I do has something “new” and practical to use. And unlike a random YouTube binge, there’s a clear A -> Z path for you to follow.
  • Is there a time-limit on the material inside the Quiet Confidence Workshop?
    Nope! You have access to all the training materials and session recordings of the Quiet Confidence Workshop for as long as I’ve got my online shop open! You can revisit and revise them at your own pace.
  • What happens in the “Framework Games”?
    Well, I’ll keep that one a secret, OK? 😉 Just know that ALL of my past students have absolutely LOVED what we did…
  • What are the typical results I should expect if I enroll in the Quiet Confidence Workshop?
    The results vary depending on HOW you show up for the workshop, but I’ve been doing this for 10+ years now… and typically students share stories of more self-confidence, ease in effective speaking, clearer thinking, reduced anxiety etc. All of which enables you to position yourself for bigger, better opportunities in your work life!
  • English is my second language - will the Quiet Confidence Workshop work for me?
    Absolutely! Nearly half of my previous students have had English as their second language and their perspectives are always so enriching for the entire group. As long as you can consume information and communicate (even functionally) in English, you’ll benefit from enrolling in the Quiet Confidence Workshop.
  • I have to think about it… will I get a chance to enroll in the Quiet Confidence Workshop later?
    I understand, but that option is not available right now. I can only share this information for this price - which I’ve never shared before and I spend time and effort researching and refining - because I present this as a one-time opportunity. In any case, I’ve got a WHOLE BUNCHA ideas to share with you and there’s only one of me - so I’m not in a position to repeat workshops at the moment. So if this doesn’t feel right, you can always explore what the next workshop will be about… though I can’t guarantee if you’ll see what’s inside the Quiet Confidence Workshop ever again. Definitely not for this price.
  • Can I get this reimbursed by my office / business / workplace?
    Absolutely! I’ve had multiple students take this route. If your office / company / place of work has a learning budget, then that would typically be the place to get approval from. You can reach out to to ask for the email template to share with your manager (and customized invoice, if you need it).
  • I have to think about it… will I get a chance to enroll in the Confident Communicator Cohort later?
    I understand, but that option is not available right now. After helping the students who enroll for this batch, I’ve got a full roster with other courses to build, refine and test. All to help future framework thinkers like you excel at effective communication. So while I will open the Confident Communicator Cohort for enrollment again, I can’t really say when. You’ll have to dodge your boss’s annoying curveballs all alone till then! Not to mention this is the CHEAPEST this course will ever be.
  • This sounds amazing… I’m in! What do I do next?
    Great! Click the button below, put in your information and complete your checkout - and get ready to ask some kickass questions soon:
Click The Button Below To Buy Your Pass for the Quiet Confidence Workshop:

Only $97 (one-time)

Workshop will be held at 4PM PST, 16 May 2024.

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