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Enrollement For The March '24 Batch Is Now CLOSED!

“Rewire” Your Brain - LIVE On Zoom - To Think Faster, Sound Smarter And Transform The Way You Speak By Going From: 

“Uhhh… I dunno what to say, maybe I should keep quiet…”


“Here are the 3 things we need to focus on:

So you can finally start to command attention, build influence and position yourself as a leader

Join me in The Confident Communicator Cohort - a live course where you’ll get 10+ years of “Speak With Frameworks" experience … distilled into just 21 days

Past students come from:
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Dear Future Framework Thinkers,

We’ve all been there before: 

  • Tried to sound smart and confident at work only to fumble over your words and almost make a fool of yourself…

  • Frustrated because you rarely speak up in meetings even though you have great ideas to share or…

  • Tried to use “frameworks” to think faster and speak smarter but you’re never sure which ones to use when…

The Confident Communicator Cohort is specifically designed so you can stop wondering what to do…  and start communicating with clarity and confidence.


I’ll be there to help you transform the way you speak one framework at a time…


Even if you’ve:

✅ Fumbled when speaking with your manager, boss or clients…

✅ Felt you can’t think “fast enough” to use frameworks in real time...

✅ Read every book, heard every podcast and binged endless YouTube tutorials on speaking better… but FAILED because you keep reacting the same way you always do…


And without:


❌ Overthinking if you’re “doing it right”...

❌ Any special talent or “natural” communication ability...

❌ Trying to memorize dozens of pointless, theoretical frameworks…


You see…

Ever Since I Started Sharing Tips On How To Think Faster & Speak Smarter, People Have Been Asking Me For The One Way To Use Frameworks For Effective Communication In “Real Life”…

So I went searching online…


Only to find there was NOTHING that solved this specific problem.


There were either $2,000+ cohorts on “speaking better”... 

Or bloated “decision making” courses with 77 lectures and 25+ hours of content…


Which were so boring I couldn’t finish them if my life depended on it.


Which is how my flagship video course - “The 5 Minute Communication Framework” - was born.


It’s the ONLY course of its kind, designed to help you unlock simple, clear and effective communication…


In as little as 5 minutes of “studying” per day.


I pulled back all the stops to ensure there was:


ZERO confusion…

ZERO boring or pointless theory…


ZERO need to memorize 77 random frameworks…


And all you needed to do was literally spend 5 minutes studying one lesson a day…

Then practice it in the next conversation you have.

But that’s NOT what we’re here to talk about today!

Because even though that course was a massive success…

With students pitching their ideas to their CEOs after watching just ONE lesson!

Helena Dias, People Operations Manager

"I struggle with clearly articulating my thoughts during one-on-ones and team meetings. The course's standout feature for me is its exceptional clarity in explanations, using practical examples and providing immediately applicable templates which I'm finding super useful. It's already making a significant impact for me professionally: I'm confidently preparing to pitch a project idea to our CEO using the [redacted framework]! I honestly recommend this course to others facing similar communication challenges."

There was still something missing.


Live interaction.


Which is honestly a natural limitation of any on-demand course, no matter how actionable.


Not only that…

I’ve had a chance to understand your problems with effective communication far better since I launched that course…

Because Reading Hundreds & Hundreds Of Responses From You And Your Peers Opened My Eyes To Exactly Where Most Of You Are Stuck In Your Communication Journey…

It gave me this rare & unique opportunity to peek behind the curtain of common, surface level problems… 


And identify LIMITING PATTERNS that are holding you back from ever being able to leverage the power of frameworks in real life conversations.


WHICH is exactly what we’ll chat about today!


Because the Confident Communicator Cohort isn’t just another generic “speak better” course…


No, no, no!


It’s custom built to help knowledge workers like you…

STUCK in your journey of effective communication using frameworks…


Wondering if whatever you’re doing is even right…


And taking you by the hand to guide you to the next level…


Transforming the way you speak forever.

The best part?


You don’t have to wait for your next big presentation to start using what you’ll learn inside.


You can do it on your next Zoom call, coffee machine chat or when your boss catches you on the way to the restroom (we’ve all been there).


We’re finally going to clear out that chaotic mess in your head.

Imagine “Rewiring” Your Brain By Downloading 10+ Years Of Experience - Packaged In Concise, Actionable Frameworks - So You Can Use This Skill Nearly Instantly At Work…

That’s what I hope the Confident Communicator Cohort will do for you.


Speaking in frameworks has helped me go from a nervous rookie too slow to speak up in meetings to:


✅ Being sure of myself when sharing my point of view…

✅ Getting recognition at work, pay-hikes and “out of turn” promotions…

✅ Making frameworks a core part of my “thinking and speaking” process…

While also building my influence by presenting my points clearly to my bosses, CEOs and billion-$ clients.

And my authority as a leader on this topic, with 188k engaged YouTube subscribers...

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Even being showered in admiration on how my FREE content transformed the way people spoke…

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Going viral and reaching hundreds of thousands & millions of viewers along the way…

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And obviously, the students from the “5 Minute Communication Framework”.


Whose lives were changed for the better…

Because they were finally able to communicate the way they always wanted to:

Or the students from the “beta” versions of this very course and my executive coaching programs:

"Learned how to clearly articulate my thoughts..."

Mike Topalovich, Tech Architecture

My conversations with you unblocked me on a number of levels… helped me to get out of my own head… and learned how to clearly articulate my thoughts and connect with my audience.

Mike got almost 3k followers on LinkedIn, landed his first 5-figure client, got himself an offer to co-author a book AND a couple of podcast interviews… all with this new narrative he built after applying the framework I taught him!

"Got a pay raise using the framework you shared!"

My (anon) Consulting Mentee

It worked! Just got a pay raise using the framework you shared…

She went from 5 figures to 6 figures in salary, got a chance to work directly with the partner on a life science case and started communicating less like an academic and more like a consultant.

"Made me feel confident about my abilities..."

Cladia Olmedo, Business Development Manager

Working with Vicky made me feel confident about my abilities as a business owner, to clarify my thoughts... and gave me frameworks that  differentiate my business.

The FIRST change Claudia made to her messaging helped her land a massive new project with the United Nations Development Programme!

These are all intellectual, ambitious and modern-day knowledge workers just like you.

None Of Them Were “Born” Communicators…

All of them learned the skill of thinking and speaking effectively with frameworks (like I did).

Then used it to build influence, command attention and position themselves as a leader.

Today, THIS could be you.

Because once I “rewire” the way you think about “speaking in frameworks”?


You’ll finally stop spinning in circles…


And have access to one of the legit “superpowers” of the modern world:


Effective communication.


It’ll give you the confidence and clarity to start speaking up in meetings… 


And you’ll have the right set of tools to break down complex problems without sacrificing quality, speed or feeling unsure of yourself.


All the while getting your point across crisply, clearly and confidently.


But the BEST feeling of all?


A silent, unshakeable confidence in your newfound ability to handle tricky conversations (and curveballs from your boss… or even their boss!).

You’ll Become The Confident Communicator You Were Meant To Be…

Hey, I'm Vicky 👋

Most of you would already know me from my YouTube channel (and my emails), but let me still introduce myself real quick:


I’m an ex-management consultant, ex-Googler, YouTuber and creator of the “Confident Communicator Cohort”.

I spent the last 10 years solving billion-dollar problems in management, finance, tech, media, and entrepreneurship. 


Here’s what I learned:

The Clearest Communicators In The World Speak Up Confidently
In Any Situation,

No Matter How High The Stakes.

Which honestly made me a little insecure about my abilities…


And frustrated at my lack of skill.


Because I knew I had the answers, but they were buried deep under the clutter in my head.


By the time I’d gathered my thoughts to have something to say? 


The discussion had looong moved on.


Not to mention my boss didn’t even know I existed… unless it was for the wrong reasons.


I knew I could do better. But I didn't know how.


After trying speaking clubs and reading countless books with no results, I nearly gave up…


And in a last ditch, desperate attempt for a solution I did something I should’ve done a long while ago:

I Asked Them Their “Communication Secret”...

Turns out…


Just like those big consultants used frameworks to work through complex business problems…


They also used frameworks to communicate their ideas.

Now this might sound like a simple, “obvious” revelation…


But my life has never been the same since.

I’ve gone from sitting timidly in meetings, hoping no one asks me my opinion…


To having purpose, clarity of thought and confidence in my communication.


But I soon realized the “how” of thinking and speaking in frameworks was only taught in elite institutions like MBAs and management consulting.


I knew this FUNDAMENTAL skill needed to be shared with more people like me - we have something to say, but we don’t know how to best say it!

So I started my YouTube channel.


I wanted to share the “what I wish I knew” so people never felt the hopelessness I once did…


And also hoped to find fellow framework nerds who share this passion with me 😁

What I did NOT expect was going viral multiple times, reaching millions of people and blowing up my YouTube channel to over 189k subscribers…


Or creating a “Communication x Frameworks” universe with: 


  • A transformative on-demand video course…

  • Two successful live courses or …

  • Hosting standalone communication workshops!


Where I helped people like you experience the “Speak in Frameworks” lifestyle.


But between every one of those, I got bombarded with questions like:


“When are you running your next LIVE course?”


“Where can I learn MORE practical ways of using frameworks at work?”


“How can I be sure I’m using these communication frameworks the RIGHT WAY?”


Well, THAT is exactly what we’re here to discuss today 😇


Let’s get into it!

Most People Think They Struggle With Clear Communication Because They Can’t “Think Fast Enough”...

They scan through the rolodex in their brain to find what to say in any given situation…


Maybe even try and recall some of those new frameworks they’ve learned…


But by the time they come up with something smart to say?


There’s been this looong awkward pause…


So they just blurt out anything to get it over with!


(Or worse, everyone’s moved on to a new point entirely.)


So what do they do?


They go searching for answers…


Hoping that “more frameworks” will somehow help them say the right thing, at the right time.


So they read more books, listen to more podcasts and watch more YouTube tutorials…

But The Harsh Truth Is, This Is NOT The Root Cause Of Your Troubles. In Fact, Consuming “More” Information is KILLING Your Chances Of Ever Being Able To Communicate Clearly…

The reason why lies in the theory developed by this Australian psychologist way back in the 1980s…


He called it “Cognitive Load”.


I won’t bore you with the technical details, but here’s the gist:


Our brains process information in something called “Working Memory”.

Imagine the RAM on your laptop.


Now what happens when you unleash hell on the poor thing by running:


❗Slack, MS Teams AND Skype…

❗7 different PDFs you’re using for “research”...

❗3 Word documents, 2 Presentations and 5 Excel sheets…


While ALSO having 57 tabs open between two Chrome windows?


Rest in peace, my friend 🙏


Now what if I told you THIS is exactly what happens to your brain when you:


❗Read 7 books on decision making, problem solving and speaking better…

❗Listen to 13 different podcasts back to back and take “notes” about the best ideas…

❗Binge watch endless YouTube tutorials about the “one hack” to start sounding smarter…


But never let any of that knowledge “out”?

Because here’s the thing…

Your Working Memory Can Process Less Than Four “Chunks” Of Information At Any Time…

And I don’t know about you, but that’s not a lot of chunks to go around!


So what happens when your Working Memory gets full?


Your system malfunctions.

“Cognitive” activities like:


  • Decision making…

  • Logical reasoning…

  • Thinking fast on your feet…

  • Heck even remembering what you ALREADY know…


Instantly go down the drain!



Because like your dearly departed laptop, your brain no longer has any “free space” to process so much information.


So it short circuits.

Welcome To The Hell Called “Cognitive Overload”

Nothing makes sense here.


You can’t think straight…

You can’t decide clearly…


And you can’t articulate a damn thing.


But that’s not even the worst part…

Because It’s Got Nothing To Do With Your Intelligence, IQ or “natural talent”...

I’m not saying it just to sound nice either.


Cognitive Overload physically forces your brain to come to a screeching halt!


So it’s less about not being able to NATURALLY “think fast enough”.


But more about the lack of free space in your head to even think in the first place.


Unfortunately, the “solutions” in the market don’t help either.


Because every “expert” assumes they need to “deliver more value”... but the only thing they deliver is more Cognitive Overload.


How else can you explain courses with 77 modules, 25+ hours of content and 15 complex exercises?


Which do nothing but short circuit your Working Memory.


But no matter how much we wish, you and I can’t go and buy a new brain with “higher RAM”...

So What’s The Only Option Left To Survive This Hell?

The solution is so simple, it’s actually silly…


I’m sure you’ve even guessed it by now.


It’s to give your Working Memory some space to breathe.


Because once you clear out some space up there, you’ll experience:


✅ Less overwhelm…

✅ More clarity of thought…

✅ Faster, more decisive thinking…

✅ Better recollection of what you already know…

✅ The ability to articulate the answer you know you have in your head…


Now I need to clarify something here:


The Confident Communicator Cohort is NOT a course on “digital minimalism”. It’s a LIVE COURSE where I’ll take you from not knowing what to say... to communicating clearly, while radiating confidence.

So instead of stopping consumption altogether, we’ll curate it.

We’ll consume enough so you know what to do without going into Cognitive Overload.

"Lower cognitive load led to quicker processing speed!"

Jack Chen,
University Health Promoter & Consultant

[Vicky’s frameworks helped me] lower the cognitive load from all the noise and led to quicker processing speed to create action.

That’s where the Confidence Communicator Cohort’s strong 1-2-3 punch kicks in:


✅ Proven frameworks

✅ Microlearning lessons

✅ LIVE guidance from me, my facilitators & interaction with your peers 


Frameworks help you condense complex information into fewer “chunks”.


The more you use them, the better you get…


Until they become “automatic”.


Like learning to ride a bike for the first time.


While the second bit is the “microlearning” lessons.


This is something I picked up from my Stanford Professor. 


And is one of the best, yet most underrated ways to learn any new skill.


Because instead of dumping an encyclopedia’s worth of new information on you - which will only trigger Cognitive Overload…


The lessons I’ve designed inside this course focus only on the core concepts…

While also making them as engaging, relevant and entertaining as possible.


I’m talking stories to help you remember, “1-minute exercises” to help you practice and every lesson being under 5 minutes!


That’s barely under 20 minutes of “studying” per WEEK.


Now combine the proven frameworks and the microlearning lessons with LIVE Zoom calls with me (and my facilitators)?


And you’ve got the near perfect recipe to obliterate Cognitive Overload…


By doing the ONE thing you need to do to get results:








Then get feedback on what you did.

THIS Is How I Grew Rapidly In The Cut-Throat World Of Management Consulting… Competed With The World’s Smartest People At Google… And Built My YouTube Channel To 189k Subscribers...

Trust me:


I’ve read every book, watched every YouTube video and bought every silly course on how to use frameworks to think better and speak smarter.

Which only made me a nervous wreck by driving my brain into Cognitive Overload.

It’s why I’ve created the Confident Communicator Cohort as the “antidote”.

To make learning about frameworks practical, fun and useful again.

The Confident Communicator Cohort will transform you into the most effective communicator you know.


Someone who…

✅ Doesn’t stumble when asked a question in the middle of a meeting.

✅ Doesn’t take ages to respond while everyone else has moved on already.

✅ Doesn’t rely on “remembering” a set of random frameworks that were pointless to begin with.


You’ll finally stop spinning in circles…


And start speaking up in meetings…


Only to come out of discussions by leaving an impression on your boss and colleagues (including a few surprised looks).


But most of all, you’ll get this unshakeable confidence to think quickly and speak clearly.


How does ALL of this sound?


Maybe a bit “too good to be true” I’m sure?


I won’t blame you 🤷🏻‍♀️


So let me put your well-deserved skepticism at rest by introducing you to the:

The Confident Communicator Cohort

Let Me Transform You - Live On Zoom - Into The Effective Framework Communicator You Can Become … In A Mere 21 Days!

The Confident Communicator Cohort is a 21-day LIVE cohort-based course.


It’s packed with the best bite-sized, proven frameworks I’ve discovered from 10+ years in management consulting and exploration as an online creator.

In Fact, It’s The ONLY Course To Blend The Power Of Proven Frameworks… With The Secrets Of Big Consulting… And The Innovation Of Stanford’s “Microlearning” Model.

You won’t find “77+ frameworks” over here…


Which is anyways fancy speak for bloat to artificially jack up the perceived value.


Instead, you’ll find a distillation of the best frameworks I’ve used and taught over the past 10+ years…


Which will be available on-demand for you to learn at your own pace.


They’ll barely take 20 minutes of your time to go through… per WEEK!


Then you’ll join me LIVE on Zoom to put it all to the test.


Each lesson is wrapped up in a relevant story so you don’t need to memorize a single thing.


Followed by a “1 Minute Exercise” to help you practice what you learn in the next conversation you have…

But you don’t need to worry about what to do!


Since I’ll be there with you, showing exactly how to think through these frameworks and use them in real world conversations…


There will also be breakout rooms and facilitator led “Idea Workshops” to help you get your feet wet…


Before you head back out into the “real world” with newfound confidence.


Now maybe this sounds a bit too simple to be effective? 


But honestly, this simplicity is the secret.


Because it will finally give your brain the breathing space it needs to think and communicate effectively. 


So rather than stuffing your brain with more “information” and driving it into Cognitive Overload…


I’ll give you only what you need to get started.


In a crystal-clear manner that is simple to follow.


In fact, I’ve designed this course to mimic how I learned effective communication with frameworks back in my consulting days!


Trust me:


This works even if you've memorized dozens of frameworks, taken 100s of notes, and read countless books that sound useful (but turn out to be useless).


Or if you’ve gone deep down the rabbit hole of endless productivity podcasts and free YouTube tutorials… 


That sound great in theory, but NEVER translate into any real results.


You do NOT need “more” frameworks.


Especially the brain-dead, boring variety…

I’ve Already Done The Confusing, Hard Work Of “Curating” The Most Commonly Applicable And Practical Frameworks For You…

So you can finally stop wondering if you're "doing it right"...


And start “doing it” instead!


Like some of my past students:

"Simplified my communications"

Dennis Chen, Investor, Author, Finance & Investing YouTuber

[Vicky's framework] has simplified my communications.

"Supports my ability to articulate using frameworks!"

Josiah Williams, Technical Program Manager

It supports how I organize my thoughts and assessment of a problem or challenge. It also supports my ability to articulate situations to others.

"Feel more confident"

Jade Cueva, Capital Markets Trading & Sales, Investor

I feel more confident in my ability to make decisions.

"Look for patterns and simplify them"

Rik van den Berge, Coach & Writer

It makes me look for patterns more and try to simplify them. So it's more of a lens that I've gained.

"Combining frameworks has been very helpful!"

Emil Williams, Boxer & Entrepreneur

I'm slowly developing the ability to create my own frameworks and systems. Learning how to combine frameworks has been really helpful also.

"Focus on the most important elements"
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Zhi Ting Low, Data Analyst

Provides a supporting structure to simplify and navigate complex realities by focusing on the most important elements in situations and decisions.

"Made me thinking clearer"

Pablo Robles, Senior Technical Trainer

It oriented my workflow, making me think in terms of structure & models to apply before working on something new.

"Quicker mental processing!"

Jack Chen, University Health Promoter & Consultant

Less cognitive load for noise and quicker processing speed to create action

"Easy to learn & apply..."

Pat Breen, IT Sales Leadership

Simplifies thinking and decision making. Easy to learn and apply as long as you turn up and do the work

Now here’s the truth you already know:


Using frameworks to think faster and speak smarter is powerful.


But most people like you get caught up in the pointless details…

Only to end up overloading on information instead.


So before I created the Confident Communicator Cohort?


I went back and poured over ALL the feedback from the last 7 months - on teaching effective communication with frameworks - including from:


  • 274 students on my video-course, “The 5 Minute Communication Framework” - which was a huge success!

  • The first session of the “Communications Cafe”, an impromptu speaking workshop.

  • Reading (and re-reading) over 450+ detailed survey responses from YOU - and your fellow framework thinkers!


Not only that…


I even got coaching from my ex-professor at Stanford University to understand HOW I could best leverage the “microlearning” model…

All to ensure you never feel overwhelmed with any of the lessons.


The Confident Communicator Cohort is the end-result of all that work.


I’ve designed it from the ground up to tackle the underlying patterns that are holding you back from making progress

Rather than just giving you more “information”.


What’s more is that I’ll be there with you, LIVE on Zoom…


To help you work through course material and practically “program” it into your head!


Because I want to make sure this system works FOR YOU (instead of against you).


Those happy comments above?


They’re from the students from past cohorts and on-demand courses (which were still in “beta” testing at the time).


Last of all - every YouTube video I put out is a result of thinking and speaking in frameworks.


If you like the videos, you'll love the walk through of the frameworks I use to create those videos. 


I went from being in awe of those articulate consultants to becoming one of them.


From discovering the wonderful world of frameworks, hoarding them and losing hair over my lack of results…

To finally make those frameworks work for me.

It’s A Skill I’ve Used To Build Influence, Command Attention and Position Myself As An Authority Figure At Work...

Before I quit consulting and started my YouTube channel to share this knowledge with the world.

Since then, I’ve managed to grow my channel to over 189k subscribers while consistently going viral and getting incredible comments from people like you on my “communication style”.

Now you may not plan to start a YouTube channel or ever work as a consultant…


But effective communication is about sharing ideas in a clear and concise manner.


It’s a universal and fundamental skill.

So once you “get it”, you can use your new skill for whatever you want.


The best part is you only need to “study the boring theory” for 20 minutes per WEEK.


You watch a few short videos, check out the topic for discussion on the live calls and show up 3x per week…


That’s it!


I’ll take it from there.


And guide you on exactly how to use your newly learned frameworks in real world situations.


It doesn’t get simpler, faster or easier than this!


Trust me, I checked 😉

And After Just The Introduction & The First Live Session, You Will:

✅ Start experiencing how “frameworks work in real life”

✅ Clarify your ideas and learn to present them in a confident and memorable manner

✅ Structure your thoughts better to be able to manage the internal chaos

✅ Have a set of curated frameworks you can choose depending on context - so there’s zero confusion when you need to perform

✅ Breathe a sigh of relief after letting go of ALL that overwhelm - there’s ZERO fluff here


Here’s everything you unlock when you enroll today:

There are 3 "types" of live sessions...
held 3x per week...
in 2 time zones for our global framework thinkers!

Course dates: March 19th - April 9th, 2024

The three live sessions will be held every:

  • Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday for Team Americas

  • Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday for Team EMEA/APAC

Here’s what we’ll cover in each session:


Framework Sprint

I’ll coach you through the core frameworks for the week, so you know exactly what to do to start using them.


Then we’ll immediately dive into the “framework games” I’ve designed to help you act on them…


Once you get the hang of it, we will work on a real-life case study so it’s 100% practical and 0% pointless theory…


And we’ll conclude with your “weekly prompt” so you can work on one of your ideas to share with others!

Team Americas:

Tuesday 4-5PM PST


Tuesday 9-10AM CET / 4-5PM SGT


Idea Workshop

Sharpen how you articulate your ideas by using the frameworks you learned on Tuesday… 


Do practice runs with your peers in a facilitator-led setting (with live feedback).

By the end, you’ll have your answer to the weekly prompt… and know how to make your ideas shine (including what NOT to say).

These sessions will help drill those frameworks right into your brain!

Team Americas:

Wednesday 1-2PM PST


Thursday 10-11AM CET / 5-6PM SGT


Framework “Book Club”

Clarify other people’s ideas from your favorite books…


And talk about these new, exciting ideas with confidence! 


In these facilitator-led bookclub, you’ll get an ample chance to polish how you articulate your ideas using frameworks - and also improve your recall.


Bring your own books 😉

Team Americas:

Friday 1-2PM PST


Saturday 11AM-12PM CET / 6-7PM SGT

(All live sessions will be recorded with session recording and chat transcripts for those that can't attend live. Though you’re highly encouraged to!)

Depending on where you are, there might be Day Light Saving! 

And here are all the frameworks I’ll help you breakdown and understand:

✅ Stop rambling (almost) instantly during impromptu conversations - by providing a clear structure for your thoughts… and buying you more time to think! I’ll also show you how to practice this in “real life” without risking a single second of embarrassment… it’s really as easy as 1-2-3!


Re-discover this “obvious, but forgotten” framework that everyone “knows” about but NO ONE ever uses… and how once YOU do, you’ll be able to cut through pointless digressions like a hot knife through warm butter - and focus on the essence of the big idea!


✅ Make people remember you by creating an incurable itch directly in their brain with this simple framework… that can ONLY be scratched by what you want to say next.

Week 1: Clarify

✅ Keep people glued to every word you say - by making your ideas so compelling that they’re practically forced to pay attention (and BUY INTO your point of view)... by drilling deep into human psychology with this simple story framework.

I’ll share the framework I learned from my consulting patter - who was by far one of the MOST eloquent and effortless speakers I’ve ever met - this might become the cornerstone of your clear and confident communication style!

✅ Build undeniable credibility behind your message with 3 simple ways that are so obvious, you’ll feel silly that you haven’t been using them forever!

Week 2: Communicate

Perhaps the SIMPLEST framework in the entire course (I’m serious)... I’ll show you how to use this framework to answer annoying, open-ended questions… set the right expectations… and get unstuck when you’re caught in a mess of contradictory opinions!

Ever feel you’ve discussed a lot but have no clue what to act on NEXT? Not any more! I’ll show you how to break up ideas into two simple categories that make it obvious what needs to be done next… and what can be kept aside for later.

We’ll come full circle at the end - where I’ll show you not one, but THREE super simple ways to CREATE your own frameworks! You can make massive leaps of progress towards becoming that clear, confident communicator with just this one!

Week 3: Refine

In addition to the above, you ALSO get:


  • Immediate lifetime access to the self-paced training modules (containing all the lessons for the cohort).

  • An invite to an exclusive, student-only community… where you share ideas, discuss the frameworks you learn and grow your professional network by connecting with your fellow framework thinkers. (Important: You’ll get this at the end of the launch)

But even that’s not all!

Because there’s one more small activity

But I’ll keep it a secret for the students who enroll 😇


Since it will only be relevant for those who show up with intent!

And if you want to get the most out of our time together?


You wouldn’t want to miss it.


Now my hourly rate for a private consultation is ~$1,000 per hour.


That alone would make the Confident Communicator Cohort worth over $8,000 at least - with my plan for helping you live during the weekly sessions. 


This is excluding the cost of the coaching I did with my Stanford Professor on designing the lessons for this cohort.


But I know that rate is out of reach for most people.


That’s NOT what you’ll need to invest to enroll in the Confident Communicator Cohort today, though.

Because Today, I’m Gonna Make You A Deal (For A Limited Time Only)...

I’m 100% confident this course will boost your communication skills at work…


No matter what you do or have tried before.


Of course, I’ll be there with you to ensure it does!


So I’m going to give it to you for a steal.


But on one condition…


It’s my mission to help as many people as I can learn the power of frameworks.


But there’s only one of me and a literal flood of “cowboy creators” out there - so your word will go a long way to show I'm NOT one of them.


When the results roll in…


It’ll mean the world if you could tell a few friends so they know this course is the real deal too.


If that sounds fair…


Enrolling in the Confident Communicator Cohort won't cost you several thousands of dollars…


Heck you won't even have to pay 1/4th of my total consultation fees! And that doesn’t even include my cost to coach with my ex-professor at Stanford (to design the lessons).

But before we talk more about that, let me quickly walk you through all the FREE bonuses I’ve specially built for you in this course.


Starting with:

3x Free Passes To Any Future Communication Cafe

Value: $291


The Communications Cafe is a newly launched series of paid workshops - where I experiment with specific themes for speaking with frameworks. 

People paid $97 to attend the first one, which was on learning the art of “impromptu” communication.

And I’ve got some interesting ideas lined up for future Cafes ☕… like how to ace interviews, write kick ass emails, presentations and documents or break down complex concepts yada yada yada.

You get a 3x FREE PASSES for any Cafe you want to join throughout 2024!

“BLUF” Email Templates

Value: $87


You’ll learn how to write emails that not only get read but replied to, complimented and…

Even copied by your colleagues!

(I’ve literally had students tell me their colleagues are “copying” the structure of their emails 😅)

You’ll also learn how to respond to any type of email (including those annoying ones from pesky clients or your boss) with 7 different “BLUF” email templates.


Not only are these drop-dead easy to use (you literally have to fill in the blanks and click a button) but they’re endlessly adaptable.

Because while these look like“email templates”, what they really are is a way to respond to 7 (and more) types of “tricky” situations that reward a clear, crisp communication style.

(Pssst… this was one of the most popular frameworks in my flagship video course, the 5-Minute Communication Framework)

“Framework Finder” GPT (beta access!)

Value: Priceless 😅


What’s better than “flashcards” for recalling the right framework at the right time?


Uhh, I mean your personal Artificial Intelligence powered assistant.

I took all my best frameworks - from 10+ years of doing and teaching it - and fed it to chatGPT. What came out was… interesting…

And as a student, you’ll get to test run the “Framework Finder” GPT (beta)! Imagine popping open your phone and chatting with it to have it immediately spit out a neat framework for the problem you’re dealing with.


While it’s still in “beta” and needs polishing… I’ll build it alongside you, after you take it for a spin.

Now as I said…


I’ve built these bonuses specifically to go along with the core lessons in the course.

Because I take your investment and attention seriously and this is my way of showing it - by putting my time to help you get the most out of the course.


And as I said earlier…

You’d Have To Pay $8,000 Minimum Just To Have Me Coach You Live On Zoom For This Long… Excluding Everything Else You Get!

But I appreciate that’s a price point out of reach for many.


Not to mention this is the ONLY live course to teach practical frameworks for clear communication.


You either get boring, technical and overly theoretical courses on “decision making” that never make you take any decisions…


Or you get steeply priced “speaking” courses which only show you how to speak well (rather than think better).


The Confident Communicator Cohort is built to fill this gap.

By blending together the power of proven frameworks…

The communication secrets of the best consultants in the world…


And the innovative learning methods from world renowned universities like Stanford.


You can get everything we’ve discussed above, plus ALL the incredible FREE bonuses, for an investment of only $1,497 TOTAL.

(Based on popular demand, there's now a PAYMENT PLAN available for signing up! You can split your investment over 2 equal payments of $845, over a period of 2 weeks.)


But that’s not all because your purchase is also covered by…

“My Coworkers Are Not Looking At Me Funny Yet” 100% Money-Back Guarantee

I appreciate the internet is like the wild, wild west…


There are a lot of crooks roaming these parts, overcharging and under-delivering on their promise.


And I want you to feel 100% confident and secure in your investment.

That way, you’re focused on the course rather than worrying about “if this will work”...


So to give you that confidence, I’m making your investment 100% risk free…


IF you attend 7 out of 9 sessions and complete 3 assignments… 

And still don’t feel satisfied?


You’ll get a full refund.


No questions asked.


Now then… if you’re like me, you might be wondering…


“Do I really need to invest in an online cohort-based course to solve my communication problem at work?!”


“Do I have to do it right now?”

To which I’ll ask you to remember the last meeting you attended…


When you were sitting in the corner, thinking about all those great, logical points you wanted to make. 


But while you were building the story in your head, the discussion moved on and you were left behind… 


Yet again.


Trust me, I know how that feels.


It sucks, right?


Knowing you have great points to share but you’re never able to express them soon enough…


Or clearly enough…


Or even the odd times when you try it feels like you’re “winging it”... 


So it comes out as a random mish-mash of disjointed ideas which sounded way better in your head.


After which you’ve got your boss and coworkers giving you questioning looks, as if asking…


“What did that even mean???”


So if you’re frustrated with being on the sidelines when you know you could do better…


I invite you to enroll in the Confident Communicator Cohort.

The Only Thing You Have To Lose Now Is Your Confusion - Otherwise There’s Zero Risk Involved…

Another smaller but important point is to note this is still the “first”  redesigned version of my old live course…


Which I’ve built from the ground up after overhauling the ENTIRE curriculum from what it was last year.

Pouring over those endless hours of research wasn’t just for show!

Which is one of the biggest reasons I’m offering this deal ONLY till from 17th March, 11:59PM PST.

Because after this round, I’ll put this course on standby…


As I gather more feedback to build on the curriculum and class structure.

Which also means today is the cheapest this cohort will ever be.

So you have this opportunity to invest in your journey towards becoming a more confident communicator…


But only till 17th March, 11:59PM PST.


And I won’t be able to accommodate any extension requests afterwards.

Join me before the doors close by clicking the button below (and completing the checking out):

Click The Button Below To Enroll In The Confident Communicator Cohort:
Cohort 3 mock up updated.png

For only $1,497 (one time payment) or...

2x $845 (billed over 2 weeks)

Clicking the button above will take you to a check out page.


After filling in your details, you’ll get immediate access to course material for the first week, along with all your FREE bonuses. Then I’ll share the rest of the material one week at a time.


And your purchase is fully secured by the 100% money back guarantee.


So you can focus on what matters:

Becoming the clear thinking, effective communicator you know you can be!

"... simplifying problems so I'm not as overwhelmed..."

Min Wang, Coach

Learning frameworks has sparked more potential solutions for identifying and simplifying problems so I'm not as overwhelmed and not knowing what to do. It helped me with problem solving and testing out different approaches.

"Made my ideas more valuable to others!"

Karena de Souza, Futurist

I think it will be most beneficial in the way I communicate ideas, so that I make the ideas I have valuable to others. I have already been using it to make some fairly complex decisions, so win!!!

"I'm more discerning in what information to focus on..."

Mellisa Chong, Non-Profit Fundraising and Volunteer Management

Gamechanger! I am starting to "see" and identify when these frameworks are being used by others. I am also trying to use this when the info feels overwhelming. I am also more discerning in choosing which information I want to focus on first. And the frameworks help me see things from different angles in case my focus may be too limited.

Now if you’re like me, you might still be a little skeptical.

Look, I get it…


As a consultant, I was paid to question everything.


“But I'm NOT a “natural”... I've tried and failed to speak with frameworks before… will this work for me?”

To which I want to ask you:

Have you ever tried to do this in a carefully constructed environment that's designed to “hardwire” this approach into your brain?


Because I was “lucky” to learn this directly from my managers and partners back in my consulting days…


But it was with “lose-your-hair” levels of stress, as my consulting career was on the line!


Only after leaving the consulting world did I realize it didn't have to be that way…


Especially if you can create a low stakes, dare I say fun and energized space to try speaking with frameworks first.


Then pair it with feedback so you know where to focus your efforts.


Not to mention my current method for teaching frameworks is more refined than ever before…


After having been rebuilt from the ground up based on feedback and results for clients, students and myself.  


Or maybe you’re thinking something else…


Maybe there’s a “catch” in here somewhere I’m not telling you about?


Because there’s none 🙂


While I’m obsessed with becoming more effective at speaking with frameworks…

What I value even more is connecting with people who share this passion with me - people like you.


So the intent behind creating this cohort-based course is to help you solve your problems…


While also cordially inviting you one step further into my little corner of the internet - and making you feel at home.


I look forward to chatting with you on the inside!


One more thing before you go (because I know we’ve been chatting for a bit now)...

This Works For Anyone & Everyone, Regardless Of Your Profession…

I've taught people in consulting, banking, tech, startups, academics... and even freelancing!

Some weren’t even working in a corporate setup…


But everyone cared about what they wanted to say, and wanted to make sure they got their point across.


Because these frameworks I’ll teach you are refined ways to think better & faster, then communicate your thoughts clearly.


So if you’re sharing your ideas by speaking or writing?


This is for you.


And I’ve said it enough already, but I’ll say it one last time:


All you need is under 20 minutes of “studying” per week. Then show up on the calls and let me show you what you can do.


You’ll start practicing clear, confident communication with frameworks right away!

The Best Part Is The Certainty You Get On Exactly What To Do - And Stop Wondering If You’re “Doing It Right”...

You DON’T need to consume “20 hours of valuable” content. 

You DON’T need to take notes for hours then try to memorize them. 


And you DON’T need to feel overwhelmed, overburdened and confused by “information” a second longer.

Click The Button Below To Enroll In The Confident Communicator Cohort:
Cohort 3 mock up updated.png

For only $1,497 (one time payment) or...

2x $845 (billed over 2 weeks)

Alrighty then, so you’re still reading…


Which means you either really like my writing or you’re still skeptical.


Either way, I appreciate your time and admire your “figure things out myself” attitude.

I’m a big fan of it myself!


But I’ll be honest with you…


It took me YEARS of learning, sorting through and testing these frameworks.


Not to mention making a fool of myself while doing so in front of the wrong people 😅


So while I’m never going to tell you that you can’t do this on your own…


But if you’re someone who yearns to think & speak clearly… has tried but FAILED to use frameworks… and does NOT have the time to “figure this out” on your own?


Then you might want to consider what your time is worth. 


Because who knows how long it’ll take to figure THIS particular piece of the puzzle on our own?


During which time I won’t be able to help you field your boss’s curveballs…


So you'll have to continue “hiding” during meetings, while also wishing you could speak up.


Not to mention returning to that messy mountain of saved notes, unopened bookmarks and “read later” articles that you’ve never read.


Trust me, I’ve done all of that…


It’s not fun.


I spent years looking for the right resource to help me figure out this piece of the puzzle…


Only to be left disappointed by what I found.


So this cohort-based course is what I wish I had when I was feeling lost and under-confident at work.


Something that could help me unlock the secret to clear, confident communication… 


Without adding to my never ending pile of notes, snoozing through boring courses or trying to cram random pieces of theory.


And THAT is exactly my goal for this course.

To Help You Get Your “First Win” Before the First Live Session Is Done…

So you can then continue your journey towards becoming the best version of yourself over the course of the next 21 days (and OUTSIDE of the course).

To be honest if you’re confused about enrolling in the Confident Communicator Cohort at this stage?


Then I’d suggest not doing it.


I know that’s an odd claim…


But I don’t want you to burn your time or money.


Because even though I’ll be covering the basics - and guiding you on how to apply them - the Confident Communicator Cohort is for folks who are clear they want to WIN at the game of communication.


So if you’re not ready just yet?


No worries.


I don’t want you to enroll and then be doubtful during the course…


When you should be focused on winning instead.


You could always join us for the next round.


(Even though I cannot commit when that will be… or how much it’ll cost.)


Alrighty I think that covers everything I wanted to share about this live course.


If you decide to join me right now, I’m honored.


I’ll make sure you come out the other side radiating confidence when you speak… a person transformed!


If not, no worries…


Hopefully my free content continues to help 🙂


Thanks for reading,


Click The Button Below To Enroll In The Confident Communicator Cohort:
Cohort 3 mock up updated.png

For only $1,497 (one time payment) or...

2x $845 (billed over 2 weeks)

  • Will I really learn the art of asking great questions in a single, 90 minute workshop?
    Absolutely! I’ll cover everything you need to know to get started inside the Quiet Confidence Workshop. We’ll also play the “Framework Games” to simulate real-world situations… where I’ll coach you on how to navigate them with the grace of a pro. I’ll also show you how to continue using the framework after the workshop, which is where the real results start to appear.
  • Does the Quiet Confidence Framework work even if I’ve tried to ask questions before but never feel sure about what I’m asking - or don’t even know what to ask?
    Yes! The Quiet Confidence Framework is meant to act as the system you use to generate the question to ask in the first place… which is the real problem people face, because they try to “wing it” when they ask questions. Sure, it’ll take a few tries to get the hang of it, but once you do? You’ll feel much more confident in your ability to ask the right question at the right time. And if you ever get stuck, you’ll have ready access to your Question “Stems” database that comes free with your pass to the Quiet Confidence Workshop!
  • Does the Quiet Confidence Framework really work even if I can’t seem to think fast enough (while listening to what’s being said)?
    Absolutely! As you can see, the problem isn’t your ability to “think faster”... it’s that you don’t have a system in place to generate those questions. So the solution is to learn a new system - which is exactly what I’ll share inside the Quiet Confidence Workshop. With time, you won’t have to “think fast enough”... since it’ll just be how you think naturally.
  • I’m crazy busy! How much time do I need to execute on the frameworks inside the Quiet Confidence Workshop?
    Tell me about it - why can’t there be more hours in the day, right?! As with everything I build, the Quiet Confidence Workshop is based on my “5 Minute Framework” model - where you can learn the basics in under 5 minutes… and then we get to “playing” with it in actual conversation. There’s 0% theory and 100% actionable insights inside. And you can spend as much time as you want on it afterwards … but you can start using it in the very next conversation you have.
  • I’m not a management consultant or YouTuber. Is this still worth the investment?
    Absolutely! The Quiet Confidence Framework isn’t a consulting or a content creation framework. It’s about learning how to ask the right question, at the right time, with confidence. That’s a skill with universal application - so as long as you’re communicating with other “humans”, this will help 🤖
  • I’ve watched your free YouTube videos. What’s the difference between those and what’s inside the Quiet Confidence Workshop?
    Thank you for your support! As I’ve said above, what I’m sharing inside the Quiet Confidence Workshop is BRAND NEW information that I’ve NEVER shared online before - on my YouTube channel or any of my previous courses. I’m a giga-nerd when it comes to learning and adapting frameworks to think faster and speak clearer… so every workshop or course I do has something “new” and practical to use. And unlike a random YouTube binge, there’s a clear A -> Z path for you to follow.
  • Is there a time-limit on the material inside the Quiet Confidence Workshop?
    Nope! You have access to all the training materials and session recordings of the Quiet Confidence Workshop for as long as I’ve got my online shop open! You can revisit and revise them at your own pace.
  • What happens in the “Framework Games”?
    Well, I’ll keep that one a secret, OK? 😉 Just know that ALL of my past students have absolutely LOVED what we did…
  • What are the typical results I should expect if I enroll in the Quiet Confidence Workshop?
    The results vary depending on HOW you show up for the workshop, but I’ve been doing this for 10+ years now… and typically students share stories of more self-confidence, ease in effective speaking, clearer thinking, reduced anxiety etc. All of which enables you to position yourself for bigger, better opportunities in your work life!
  • English is my second language - will the Quiet Confidence Workshop work for me?
    Absolutely! Nearly half of my previous students have had English as their second language and their perspectives are always so enriching for the entire group. As long as you can consume information and communicate (even functionally) in English, you’ll benefit from enrolling in the Quiet Confidence Workshop.
  • I have to think about it… will I get a chance to enroll in the Quiet Confidence Workshop later?
    I understand, but that option is not available right now. I can only share this information for this price - which I’ve never shared before and I spend time and effort researching and refining - because I present this as a one-time opportunity. In any case, I’ve got a WHOLE BUNCHA ideas to share with you and there’s only one of me - so I’m not in a position to repeat workshops at the moment. So if this doesn’t feel right, you can always explore what the next workshop will be about… though I can’t guarantee if you’ll see what’s inside the Quiet Confidence Workshop ever again. Definitely not for this price.
  • Can I get this reimbursed by my office / business / workplace?
    Absolutely! I’ve had multiple students take this route. If your office / company / place of work has a learning budget, then that would typically be the place to get approval from. You can reach out to to ask for the email template to share with your manager (and customized invoice, if you need it).
  • I have to think about it… will I get a chance to enroll in the Confident Communicator Cohort later?
    I understand, but that option is not available right now. After helping the students who enroll for this batch, I’ve got a full roster with other courses to build, refine and test. All to help future framework thinkers like you excel at effective communication. So while I will open the Confident Communicator Cohort for enrollment again, I can’t really say when. You’ll have to dodge your boss’s annoying curveballs all alone till then! Not to mention this is the CHEAPEST this course will ever be.
  • This sounds amazing… I’m in! What do I do next?
    Great! Click the button below, put in your information and complete your checkout - and get ready to ask some kickass questions soon:
Click The Button Below To Enroll In The Confident Communicator Cohort:
Cohort 3 mock up updated.png

For only $1,497 (one time payment) or...

2x $845 (billed over 2 weeks)

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